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Stock Edmonton
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ACID CAP STICK (Acid Cap) (Regulated)

In A Water Soluble Tube
Acid Cap Sticks are water-soluble sticks that release acid down-hole in water injection wells to remove carbonate scale and rust deposits. Acid Cap Sticks are a combination of acid, surfactant, dispersing agent, iron sequestrator, and inhibitor in solid form. This stick is 100% active.
1 1/4 X 15
1 1/4 X 18
ACID STICK (Acid) (Regulated)

Acid Sticks are water-soluble sticks that release acid down-hole in water injection wells to remove carbonate scale and rust deposits. Acid Sticks are a combination of acid, surfactant, dispersing agent, iron sequestrator, and inhibitor in solid form. This stick is 30% active.
3/4 X 15
1 1/4 X 15
1 X 15
1 3/8 X 16
ACID PELLETS (S & B Pellets) Regulated)

Acid Pellets are water-soluble pellets that release acid down-hole in water injection wells to remove carbonate scale and rust deposits. Acid Pellets are a combination of acid, surfactant, dispersing agent, iron sequestrator, and inhibitor in solid form. This pellet is 30% active.